I know most of you are waiting for a blog post with more pictures and I am sorry I have been slacking off lately. Life has been a little, to say the least, crazy! Michael and I have been so busy moving in with his parents. This has been a far from easy task! Both the boys (Steven and David) left their rooms as TOTAL disasters! So, not only did we have to pack all of our stuff at Grandma Noes house were we had been staying since moving her from San Fran, but we had to pack all of Steven's room to make it into a nursery for Aaron, but still leave Stevens bed in there for when he came home. That took a good amount of time plus we need to paint the room to cover up the ugly blues they had painted them oh so many years ago. I really wish I had before and after pictures for you, because then you would see why it took so long!
Might I add that all of this was being done around the time that I was planning my brother in laws wedding and my sons birthday. Well, when David Finally got married and moved out, he took his stuff but left a good amount, and by good amount...I mean a HUGE amount, of stuff in the room. Well to make a long story short, it took us a couple of months to get both the rooms ready for our stuff! We have just finished getting MOST of our stuff unpacked and settled. lol
Moving into my In-laws house is not easy for me or my family! We have been on our own for almost 5 years and now we are not. They have been very generous in opening their home to us so we can pay off the student loans and save up some money for a down payment. We are forever grateful for them!
On another note. My mom as of yesterday is in route to her new life in Oklahoma. a couple months ago she found out the owner of her house was loosing it and that she had to move. So then decided she wanted to move out of Cali. She was even looking into Utah! Well, my sister kept calling us, and every time she called it just seemed like she was more and more depressed about something. She would call crying while telling what was going on. Finally, after hearing it so often, I talked to my mom and told her "Chantelly really needs you! You need to move to Oklahoma." So a month later here she is GONE! Wow! I don't think it has really hit me yet that she really is gone, but I am sure it will eventually.
My sister is so excited to have family out there with her. She has been without family for so long, it will be nice for her to have someone there. But I am not going to lie, I am going to miss her!
Well, I promise i will post pictures soon! everything is just a little crazy right now!